Same Soul Family from crackolino on Vimeo.
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Ilker Cirakoglu is an Austrian Graphic Designer and an aspiring Musician. After mentoring his peers on their music and issues of Rio + 20 for the GYMC he decided to give it-a-go himself. Born in Hallein near Salzburg, Ilker is a keen advocate of multiculturalism. He fuses this together with his musical talents of producing electronic music, playing the guitar and singing. He is keen to see diverse leaders, contributors and beneficiaries of social development and that everyone in their diversity, can be integrated into important aspects social and economic life. It is this that he continues to express through his music. This song particularly relates greater tolerance of multiculturalism that links into eradication of poverty through integration, respect and maintenance of cultural diversity in cities and beyond.
The Background Story
Ilker and I worked together on the lyrics, finding words that would express to the world that we are all from the Same Soul Family, no matter where you come from, or where you are now, what influences you have, what you believe in, or what colour your skin is. We are not all the same in physicality nor in the way we express our soul, however, with our souls we are all part of one big family. Knowing this can increase tolerance and acceptance of each other`s differences, even though we may not understand them sometimes, if we keep phrase close to our hearts we may even learn to understand those differences and in time love them like our own.
Diana, Salma, Antonia, Karin, Nico, Khushboo, Maanika, Burcak, Nehat, Nihat, Sinan, Valon, Murat, Nico, Mario, Milan, Rüdiger, Olga, Lucy
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Spektrum, Subnet, Streusalz and Stadt Salzburg
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