VIA Wege zum Leben über die Kunst VIA @ Schmiede10 - Wege zum Leben über die Kunst (Values (Werte), Identity (Identität) und Art (Kunst)
Junge Menschen sind unsere Zukunft. Gemeinsam muss man sorgsam und aufmerksam mit Jugendlichen beobachten, wie sie ihre Lebenserfahrungen, ihre Werte und ihre Identitätsfindung verarbeiten. Kunst und Kreative Gestaltung schaffen einen sicheren Raum in dem man persönliches entwickeln und preisgeben kann.
VIA motiviert Jugendliche, basierend auf persönlichem Interesse, ihre Geschicht zu erzählen. Anstatt einer vorbestimmten Auseinandersetzung welche oft zu Abwehr und Aggressionen führt, bietet VIA Teenagern die Möglichkeit, Freiheit durch eigene Entscheidungen zu erfahren. Jugendlichen, die bisher einen möglichst alle Bereiche abdeckenden Kunstunterricht im herkömmlichen Sinne kannten werden animiert selbst kreativ zu wirken und wesentlich zu ihrem Lernerfolg beizutragen.
In Form eines erprobten Kunsterziehungprozesses ermöglicht VIA Jugendlichen Raum für diese Entwicklung. Mit der Unterstützung professioneller Mentoren wird ein Projekt, in diesem Fall ein Trailer, für ein längeres Video, auf der Schmiede Hallein erarbeiten.
VIA (Values, Identity, Art) ist ein Workshop und Experiment welches auf bestehenden österreichischen Projekten aufbaut und sie erweitert. VIA wird vom Stadschulrat Wien unterstützt und von Wien Holding, Berlitz und Volksbank gefördert.
VIA @ Schmiede 10--A way to life through art
(Values, Identity, Art)
Young people are our future and we have to be mindful and attentive as to how they deal with their experiences, values and how they find their identity. Art provides a safe area where they can personally develop
This allows them to explore their own interests and skills that they have already developed, either through school or in their spare time and give them a chance to build upon this through the context of Schmiede 2010. This is instead of self-imposed trends that are set-up for teenagers that is patronising and negates their responsibility causing either aggression, hyperactivity and/or irresponsibility which often leads into adult life. So, this project is intervening at a crucial age in order to awaken their freedom through their own wise choices and responsibilities. VIA @ Schmiede 10 is facilitating development of their talents by making a short trailer with Smiths being mentoring and being the driving force of their development
This is also part of the Earth Charter Youth Group
We are also collaborating with The Feather Project This is emphasising the power of inergenrational wisdom and action
The script has already been written. It is the interpretation of this script that really will make the difference and reveal how their values can be made visible by their own choices of interpretation
Who participates?
Smiths and teens and pre-teens
How long will it last?
The trailer will be made over approx 5-9 half days (2 full days at the weekend) during Schmiede 10 16th-24th September with Presentation on the 24th that is open to public.
Are there stages?
1st day: Pre-production: Introduction to Schmiede and Smiths The teenagers will have already have had the script to read and think about. We will in a group discuss the larger story so that they can find out what roles they want to take. Whether that be music/sound, editing, camera, art direction or even acting. It will be decided how to utilise the script framewok and how it is going to be made with their own talents. They will be designated a specific mentor.
2-6th day..Production: Teenagers, each in their specific groups with mentors they will be shooting, sound, music, art direction acting etc.
6-8/9th day: Post-production editing and preparing for the presentation.
For SNEAK PEEK of what VIA is like go to
Here is the video that Elena Hofman did as a result of the workshops at Schmiede 08
Workshops like this have been successful in Vienna, you can see photos here:
For SNEAK PEEK of what VIA is like go to:
Here is the video that Elena Hofman did as a result of the workshops at Schmiede 08
Workshops like this have been successful in Vienna, you can see photos here:
Also in The Balkans workshops were facilited here, one of five documentaries won a prize: Schengen stories
the others were:
Banana Republic
For the facebook page go here:
You can see the Children of Wonderworld that was facilitated with children at the Kinder Museum in Wien Here
For a PBS documentary Merchants of Cool that influences these workshops see here