Just think...you have the chance to put all those creative juices into influencing the world for generations to come. Your work will be viewed by a huge public audience online and where people will vote for you and what you have to say. It`s all about exploring what can be different in the world, you can express your views in a lyric way, through song and verse. You can sing or speak in a combination of English and your own language, or completely in your own language or any other language. You can have English subtitles if you want but it is not necessary. There just needs a short summary in English. We strongly encourage you to take your time to learn more about sustainable development and the Rio+20 United Nations Conference for Sustainable Development before submitting your music video online. There are useful online resources that can help you-you can find these at the bottom of the submission guidelinesabove-The online resources could enable you to think about concrete ideas on how our world leaders can achieve a sustainable world with your youth contribution. For some inspiration on putting your sustainable themes values into song and words, watch the videos in this post.
As example of how you can start your own music project, we got together, myself with Ilker Çırakoğlu and Denis Maksuti in Salzburg and devised some themes that we care about and want to see solutions to or to transform. From that we got together some beats with a DJ and put that together with some more beats and improvised with them to make up some lyrics in German and English....so far so good! Here is a taste of the themes that were thought up in relation to the RIO + 20 themes. You too can make it happen!
1.Schulden,(staatsschulden): Governmental Debt 2.unnötige ausgaben: Wasting money. 3.Krieg: War 4.sellbstverwirklichung: Self-Actualisation 5.Betrug: Cheating 6.Wirtschaft: Oil American Business /economy 7.Religionsfreiheit: Faith
8.Gier: Greed 9.reichen werden reicher und die armen werden ärmer mittelschicht stirbt aus:rich getting richer and poor getting getting poorer 10.Umwelt weniger atomkraftwere mehr erneuerbare energie: atomic energy 11.zusammenarbeit--Togetherness, team work. 12. wir brauchen keine waffen den waffen sind unser verstand--we don`t need any weapons, our mind is our weapon 13.misstrauischer sein--mistrust 14.die anderen können lachen doch keiner lacht mehr als wir-irony 15.arme länder in der welt-Poverty inclusion 16.wegwerf gesellschaft-Environmental waste 17.Jede spende hilft-foundation 18.wir sind krank lieben cash mehr als tiere und menschen- We love cash more that animals and humans