Healing Gardens and Inbetween Worlds

Living up to my girlie stereotype

 ....and it looks like I´m not the only one...

Did you know that Butterfly pea plants have a blue colour that is used to dye chinese dumplings? Nope, I didn`t either...

We step into evolution garden and experience other-worldly trees that lived before the dinosaurs that were formed from coal.

 We walked for some time through dense undergrowth at the beginning of earth to come to the first signs of life other than this 570 million years ago

In the time of Dinosaurs..I half expected to see a centrosaurs come round the corner...

Just what I needed....

such diversity of medicinal plants, all with not just one but several healing properties

 intricate craftwork...

 Onto the Garlic garden...

 the way is simple...

 and sometimes strange..

and art imitates life, life imitates art..

...and stars are not just above us....so above, as below....

....and where we least expect it there are secret hiding places...

....where we find unusual treasures from mother earth...

 no matter how small and in their first (banana) break out into this world...

....or first flight into distant Asian climbs from Amsterdam...yes, exported from Holland during colonial times. These creatures first found their adopted home, giving the Singapore swan lake its name.

...I feel like in another world with such an array of lush plant life and perhaps where James Cameron gets his Tree of Sighs ideas from.

A surprise wedding couple, not just one but two!  Flee the fuss to the tranquil gardens. They weren`t the only ones...

A usual day in Singapore, just like in Britain except just a few degrees higher

Ooh! what bizarre media, top story: star talks about her pregnant years....mmm

......another day, another adventure begins with a story, this time from a little tale-teller...

 ....which one`s ours? Does our boat await?

The river cruise gateway, once a sleeping dragon of bygone times, slowly waking in The East.

from 19th century merchant stalls... 

to a sculpture of boys happily jumping into the river, a common sight 100 years ago... 

 to the first sight of Marina Sands Tower.

Simultaneously in the old and new world...

...to finally become ensconced by our future-The Helix Bridge making visible what we have inside

I´m confronted by the most thorough instructions to wash my hands that I have ever seen 

 ...before I sample the delights of what (I think) only Asia can do the best good street food sold by The Hawkers

where you can find the Asian equivalent to ice cream...

...and still glimpses of what every visual anthropologist longs to see...

....precious relics missed by the average passerby... 

... yet, round the corner a couple seem to step into the future

...and we take the flyer higher...

...as the dusk falls..

 ...all we can do is snap at the towering architecture around us in a kind of silent awe at futuristic human feats

a landing pad, or another kind of stadium?

 the jungle keeps reminding us of it`s presence

a kind of bridge between our past once connected close to nature, as we edge away....

....even if we try to leave it behind

 .....it refuses to let us go 

we may go round and round on our journeys onwards and upwards 

           ...but we can never forget mother earth 

 ...and between the two, we find each other 

 ...and enjoy each others mysterious presence
