A Positive Learning Space Is Where Everyone is Excited About Learning

With Tagtool workshop leader Josef Dorninger and the support of Heather Kelley and Jorge Luis Juan Hobmeier, girls from Lehen, Salzburg had the chance to invent, innovate and play with an imaginative mix of characters and settings.  When they arrived, I brainstormed with them what their characters could look like.  They soon got the hang of mixing things up a bit.  Amanda thought of a flying shark in the pink sky with an orange setting sun.  The brain is stimulated by new experiences, it makes us curious and generates language.  They suddenly found speaking English easy. Not everything went into the outer reaches of their imagination, so that their realistic and expressive thoughts intertwined, just like life.  They used logical thinking and their technical ability to expand their experiences and ideas.  This combination increases their cognitive fitness using both parts of the brain.  They were very engaged and excited about learning and couldn`t wait for the next workshop!  Watch this space for the the next Tagtool workshop in Stadt Werk Lehen, Salzburg Austria.  

A warm thank you to Stadtwerk Lehen for providing the space for the workshops and especially Sarah Untner, Johannes Ortner and Vera Laner for their wonderful coordination, flexibility and commitment.

Thank you Wolfgang Kaiser for support with participants.
